Monday, October 24, 2011

carpocalypse-an amendment

When I moved to Los Angeles, I lived in an apartment building for a couple months and there was a caretaker who was a very chatty guy, he spent a lot of time at the Self Realization Fellowship , and liked to talk about that experience with me. I think he thought maybe it would help me in some way, to live vicariously through his spiritual wanderings. He once said to me:

"If you have an issue that is plaguing you and you cannot change that issue to your favor, maybe the only thing you can change is how you react to it."

I was reminded today that I had an original intent when writing the post Carmagideon Time . It was mainly to compare how peaceful carmageddon was to the agony it is whenever Obama comes to town. I think with the experience of Obama coming here, as a rule, in rush hour traffic made people freak out about Carmaggedon a little more than was rational.

Understandably so, Obama coming to town is a beeping, angry mess of near fatalities. Twenty minute commutes turn to hours and it is just a bunch of people sitting in tin cans not moving just getting more and more pissed off, making stupid decisions, almost hitting pedestrians with their cars, just wanting to go home.

I think that is what people expected with Carmaggedon. This, what happened today and what happened a month ago, and what will continue to happen until 2012.

Obama is never not going to come during rush hour.

At first I was angry, then I tried to beat him to my destination and when that didn't work I went to have a dinner with a friend and just let him pass by.

Thanks creepy apartment caretaker.

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