I have always wanted to do a blogger vs. blogger interview. I tried doing this once w/ a blogger I really admired, Hookers on Stilts, but I sat across from her at the Uptown Bar and chickened out. I guess here I don't feel so chickeny.
I sat down with the blogger behind
thisislalaland a couple weeks ago to ask her some questions as a newcomer to LA over dim sum at Empress Pavilion.
(Now when I go, the words of Margret Cho echo around in my brain about how this is the place that white people go.) I love it because you can get food within a couple minutes of sitting down and I really like to eat.
The loud clinking of dishes on carts and a woman periodically asking us if we wanted boba tea will serve as the background soundtrack to the following questions.
kitty: What did you do today?
lala: I
went to an audition for a fantasy themed sitcom pilot. I had no idea what they were referencing because I had never played the game before.I admit to her that I had once because I dated a guy who played, but that was the first and only time. (I SWEAR!!)
kitty: How long have you been here?
6 months.kitty: Why did you come?
Acting. I was in Portland where there wasn't a lot of film, instead of praying for the one female role to come around I decided to go where there is more opportunity.kitty: What are your favorite places here?
I like Griffith Park because it is free and close to my house (see her Friday feature about what the Bear is wearing), but I would like to find more free things to do in L.A. Do you have any suggestions?As I start to tell her, and this is not for dramatic effect or some literary coincidence that I am falsifying for my story telling purposes...we look for the bill and it isn't where it once was. Then a guy comes up and introduces himself and his friend and says the following: (names changed)
"Hi, I am Mike and this is my friend Adam. I wanted to let you know that we bought your lunch today. You totally made our day because of how beautiful you both are. It was great sitting next to two very attractive women for an hour of our day"
We thanked Mike, shook his and Adam's hands and exchanged some pleasantries. I was probably blushing the entire time. After they left we laughed about the free coincidence.

We continued:
kitty: Why did you decide to blog?
I like to tell stories and take pictures and the challenge of writing for an audience. After looking at your blog I liked your interesting take on LA as someone not from LA.Flattery gets you everywhere.
kitty:How did you find me?
from a friend's blog called Lightheartedsoul A mutual friend who is a Reiki master/practitioner and then I digressed and talked about how awesome Reiki is.
kitty: I really like your photography in the blog, what type of camera do you have?
a crappy cannon elph and I use a lot of photoshop.I was surprised.

Thanks for taking the time to sit and have lunch. I will post a rundown of LA on the cheap sometime soon.