I noticed this with the last windstorm or WIND EVENT, as they deemed it in the news, oh so dramatic.
I saw this, Thursday morning, in front of my apartment and had to take a picture of the windy aftermath, it looks very much like Jackson Pollock and his only tools were nature, the bright red plastic cup in the upper left hand side is oddly beautiful. A neighbor stopped to see what I was taking a picture of, he thought it was beautiful too.
I love having a camera with me always, helps me to notice the little beautiful and ugly things about this place.
Trees uprooted reminds me that there is indeed nature here.
I walked around the neighborhood, bracing myself against the windy city and laughed to myself as a THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU bag took flight, swirling and changing shape in the air looking like a sea creature in the sky, when the song below came on my ipod.
That moment couldn't have been more perfect.
I love you Los Angeles.
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