Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sometimes you have to let things go to bring things toward

Remember when I asked you what you would make sure that you accomplished if you ever had to leave Los Angeles. I think I put it as before LA fell into the sea. I almost had that experience a few weeks back. I thought I almost had to leave this place, my home, I love.

The story above would be long and complicated. So I did what you couldn't tell me about. I did the things I wanted to do before I left this place or things that I loved doing here. Soak it all up before I was gone.

And I will tell you about that next and then I will move on from this episode of my life because thinking about the past keeps you in the past.

But you know that don't you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Crystal ball

I am still having a lot of firsts in Los Angeles, even after 4 + years. Upon a friends suggestion, because of all I have been going through in my search for a roommate and love here, I went to a psychic.

Psychics,like therapists, are everywhere in LA and the surrounding areas. I guess there are more people out here looking for answers. Like all things you should take what they say with a grain of salt and although she may very well have the gift, I felt more like she was a good advice giver and when I kind of needed a direction to focus my energies.

When we sat down she asked if we could sit for a couple minutes so that she could get a feeling about me. While we sat, I was supposed to write questions I had for two minutes.

Here is what she said:
I have a generous spirit- agree
I am kind-check
sweet energy-check
I feel grounded in nature- umm yes, I love tide pooling but camping is not something I look forward to with any type of fondness.
I have a tenderness toward animals-ummm, I like to eat them especially when they are tender-I guess a stretch

So at that point, I wasn't really sure what to think.

Also, I sort of thought that when cards were pulled she would tell me what they meant, and I wouldn't have to look through the little glossy books to see what they meant myself.

I won't go into what I asked her or whether or not I feel like it will come to fruition, but I just want to say that before I saw her, I was having panic attacks about my life and that after I felt like I had something to focus on. And whether or not it is true it is nice to hear that I won't die alone in a studio apartment, childless with 10 cats.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MN roommate story

I am hoping that once this is posted that all of my roommate problems will be solved and my blogging mind would not be so fixated on this topic.

Since I shared a Los Angeles roommate story, I thought I would dig through the mental vaults for a horrible Minnesota roommate story. There are so many... but I remembered this one specifically.

It was my first year of college at a state school that will remain nameless, mainly because I think it changed its name. I was sharing a dorm room with this girl who couldn't be more different than I was, Just Do It! posters plastered all over her side of the room, she was a cheerleader for the school team, eating disorder written across her face and generally just unpleasant. She for sure didn't want my goth punky self in the room with her. I always wondered how they put us together in the first place.

She took a few opportunities to lock me out of our room when she left for class early during the time I was in the shower. But hey I could have brought my key and I shouldn't have underestimated the power that someone has to go from dead sleep to out the door in less than 10 minutes.

But all these things were not why this made this a horrible experience it was this one thing, this one afternoon, this one phone call that made this something that will always be one of the most speech sucking experiences in my life.

I was done with classes for the afternoon and I was studying in the room when the phone rang. This was pre-caller i.d. and cell phones so this phone call had a 50-50 chance it was for me. It turned out it was her sister, her family never called because it seemed to be a strained relationship.

I said to the sister "She is not here right now, can I take a message?"
As I searched for a pen and paper and I could her her hesitate for a second and her reply was "Yes, can you tell her to call home right away, her mother killed herself"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

trifecta of lameness

There are three things that I hate, looking for a job, dating and finding a roommate. It all holds some basic principals:

Putting yourself out there and telling the same stories about yourself

Rejection for reasons you can't understand nor will never hear about because the other person just disappears

Flakes and no shows

Feeling the need to have your phone close in case of phone calls, texts or emails from the other person that can come at any time (Like a call for potential interview at the Huffington Post that came in the middle of the 7 o'clock showing of a movie I can't even remember the name of)

Waiting up in a Bavarian Beer Wench costume, because you were asked to specifically to keep it on after the Oktoberfest party you went to earlier that he couldn't make, only to get an 11th hour cancellation-oh wait, that is just dating

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not even

I would not wish looking for a roommate in Los Angeles on my worst enemy. Actually that did happen and I am afraid that he probably had more luck than I have had. I digress.

This search has been one of the most frustrating of my life. Writing to people who never write back, scams, taking days off of work to be stood up, people who think you are crazy for wanting them to sign a lease and people who want to get around pet deposits. I also had a sneaking suspicion that this one woman was pretending to be a different girl with the same name in case I googled her. And I did and she so wasn't.

This has become my part time job for three weeks and I really quite frankly want to quit, it doesn't pay well. I really just want my life back.

I am wondering if anyone is falling for the scam out right now you will get an email from someone in the worst grammatical English with tons of spelling errors from a girl who is looking for a place in LA but cannot come to see the place because her uncle/benefactor is sick. She is a good person and you know that because she is a high school teacher and her uncle said there are plenty of jobs in Los Angeles. 1) teachers are being laid off at staggering rates here and 2) you can't spell and English is supposed to be your first language

Meet Lee Smith from Ireland. I kindly said no and good luck with your search.

Then later the fun loving, yoga, beach bunny with a dog ended up being from Europe, with a sick uncle/benefactor, with horrible English who you know is a good person because she was a nurse with the Red Cross in Paris.

Meet Julia from France. I asked if she by chance knew Lee from Ireland and I wrote in equally broke French. "Good luck with your story"

I should have asked if she knew the exiled prince of Nigeria, but I only thought of that later.