I haven't been visiting as many PST exhibits as I have wanted to. I plan to rectify that problem very soon. Hopefully this upcoming weekend if the wind doesn't stick around. Or if it does it may help me get places faster. I am usually no match for the wind in very embarrassing ways. One day I'll probably be blown up into the sky like Remedios. (I digress to magical realism, as always, but again has nothing to do with Los Angeles, contemporary art. etc.)
LACMA: (not in the order I saw them in, but in order of their closing)
1) Asco-December 4th
Firstly Asco, (Aah sko) -which is one of my favorite Spanish words, means disgust. Me da asco-You disgust me. You probably already know that, because you live in Califas, but just as always wanted to impart some knowledge, because if you can learn one thing today, it should be how to say the word disgust in another language.
I guess I left not knowing the contributions of Asco on the art scene, mainly I felt it was a photo series of them in Bonnie and Clyde style outfits, staring into the camera as a group. We are here I guess.
I understand taking the stereotypical and making it yours. (Space Lucha Libre) I understand wanting to acknowledge your place in a medium in which you are marginalized. (making an awards ceremony for your own movie because you will never be awarded for your accomplishments as an artist as a Latino/Chicano)
Maybe it was a curatorial problem or maybe because the night before I had spent to much time in Tispangatron, but I just didn't get it. I felt lost in that gallery space. I felt that it came off a little narcissistic. I am not sure if that was supposed to be the point. But isn't art in its nature narcissistic. (chew on that)
Here is what I am loving about this PST movement, is that a lot of these artists are still alive and they can talk and they do talk about their art. A lot of them are talking on the website, in handheld devices in the galleries, talks at the art institutions. I wish that I would have heard Gamboa jr talking about these pieces earlier, than just right now. I would have not been so very perdida.

It is amazing to see the history of mid-century modern interior design pieces. A personal design era favorite of mine. This movement was so all encompassing, the clothes you wore, the music you listened to, the car you drove, whether you surfed or not. And it is all here in this exhibit the Avanti , the long boards, the shelves, pottery, sterocabinets, textiles.
The highlight of this exhibit of course is the Eames' living room re-created in a class box to get a 360 view. To see where they lived, created entertained.
I love really everything about this exhibit. Especially the thought of throwing a dinner party in these outfits, where I would serve Lobster of course. There is so much to digest, pardon the pun, I need a few more hours to listen to all of the video and sound commentary that comes with this exhibit.
I didn't have time for 5 car stud, I hear it is very polarizing, makes you feel emotionally beat up. It closes January 15th.
(a picture of me at the Getty talking about LACMA, I guess I will have to take a picture of me at LACMA and talk about the Getty exhibits, but for now, I am tired of talking about art.)
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