Show one a sedated crowd in a field at the jazzreggae festival at UCLA which should have had the name r&bundergroundjazzjamreggae stare fest, but not as catchy I suppose. LA crowds treat their performers which such ambivalence.
"So I paid money to see you, I don't give a fuck, you bore me and I am probably better than you blindfolded"
Mainly I felt under-prepared for the event, not enough sunscreen, no blanket, not prepared for the discrepancies in sound. POP!
Seeing Q-tip made me nostalgic for my Minneapolis hip-hop days, but it made me realize that it was more the crowd I missed than Miss Bonita Applebaum.
Show 2 was extremely intimate and my first time (side note that rainbow ^arabia is there every Monday night this month) The crowd was small and all that KCRW could muster. It was better this way a show for people who actually like music then liking the scene although it was echo park, so maybe I was oblivious to the scene-sters
The band was Quadron my new favorites and masters in genre jumping. Each song on their album is different and catchy for being somewhat off beat. Coco has an amazing sense of soul for someone who is so very young and I feel that it will only get better with age. I will leave you with what I feel like might be their most popular hit, but keep in mind only one other song shares a similar feel, but the rest of it is equally good.
If I wet your appetite at all for them, the rest of the album is better.
Happy birthday to me!
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